Arm Strengthening Exercises
Prone Robbers
Begin lying on your stomach, bending your elbows so that they make a “W” position. Pinch your shoulder blades together, and then lift your arms. Keep your palms pointed down. Repeat for 2×10.
Prone T
Begin lying on your stomach, bringing your arms up to the side so that they make a “T” position. Pinch your shoulder blades together, and then lift your arms. Keep your palms pointed down. Repeat for 2×10.
Prone Y
Begin lying on your stomach, bringing your arms up to the side so that they make a “Y” position. Pinch your shoulder blades together, and then lift your arms. Keep your palms pointed down. Repeat for 2×10.
Hand Taps
Starting in a plank position, push your shoulders up. Hold this position and tap one hand on the other 10x each. Repeat for 2 sets.
Low External Rotation with Band
Standing with a small towel rolled up between our elbow and your side, pull out against a resistance band. Keep your elbow at a 90⁰ angle and your wrist straight. Repeat for 3×15.
Lower Trapezius with Band
Holding one band in each arm, keep your palms forward and your elbows straight. Pull the bands back so they are even with your sides, then control it back to the resting position. Repeat for 3×15.
Robbers with Band
Begin standing, holding a band in both hands (you can use two bands attached to the wall instead of a single band). Pull the band apart so that both arms make a “W” shape. Repeat for 3×15.