General Core Stabilization

Planks:  static planks are a good start to improve core stability.  It is important to keep your spine in a neutral position and keep core muscles activated. 3×30” on each side.

General Core Stabilization
General Core Stabilization

Dynamic planks:  adding arm or leg movements to planks can help improve dynamic core stability and challenge your core once static planks become easy.

General Core Stabilization
General Core Stabilization
General Core Stabilization

Walking Lunges with baseball bat:  helps to improve core stability, leg strength and scapular stability.  Focus on keeping shoulder blade stable by pulling it down into your back pocket, while holding bat in the air. 2×10

General Core Stabilization

Single leg balance with ball toss to partner:  Focuses on balance with dual task of throwing, which is ideal for baseball players.

General Core Stabilization

Single leg bridges:  Focuses on core strength, balance, and endurance.

General Core Stabilization